This hard neck packs a punch! Strong, hot and full flavored, Svea is perfect for baking and is a favorite with chefs. Fat, purple streaked, easy to peel cloves per bulb. Thrives in colder climates, good storage.
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The Chinese Forget-Me-Not (Cynoglossum amabile) is a highly productive easy-care annual. Produces adorable, delicate sprays of blue blossoms with scalloped petals around a blue center. Grows 1'-2' tall on thin, hairy stems with lance-shaped foliage. Stunning in the garden or as a cut flower.
The Foxglove flower (Digitalis purpurea) is a dramatic biennial. Produces towering 2'-3' spires of bell-shaped blossoms in shades of pink, purple, and white, often with contrasting speckles. Grows 3'-5' tall on sturdy stems with lance-shaped foliage. Perfect for a cottage garden.
Compounds found in the leaves are used to make the heart drug Digoxin, but the entire plant is poisonous and should not be ingested.
The Lacy Phacelia (Phacelia tanacetifolia), also known as Scorpionweed and Purple Tansy, is a fast-growing, drought-tolerant, cold-hardy annual in the borage family. Produces coiled, whiskered lavender-colored blossoms that look similar to a scorpion tail, fiddlehead, or thistle. Grows 2'-3' tall on thin, hairy stems with lacy foliage. Plant a few or a field, or add a bit of wildness to a cut arrangement. An especially great companion plant in the vegetable garden as it’s quick to bloom, attracts bees and hoverflies, and stores nitrogen which also makes it a good cover crop.
Sunflower, Maximillian Flowers
The Maximillian Sunflower (Helianthus maximiliani) is a drought-tolerant perennial. Produces a 3"-5" blossom with veined, pointed bright yellow petals around a dark golden center. Grows 3'-10' tall on branching, hairy stems with multiple blooms per stem, and long, narrow, drooping foliage. Bold, robust, and cheerful.
Tomato - Thessaloniki (Indeterminate)
The Thessaloniki Tomato is a Greek heirloom. A tomato so epic that Homer could have written an ode to its plump round fruits that ripen from golden yellow to vivid red, high yields in high temps, and a rich, earthy flavor that’s well-balanced between sweet and acidic. This one’s a keeper, both in the garden and on the countertop. By the time you eat a few of these, you may even be able to pronounce it.
Click here to view our full Tomato grow guide
Good companion plants: Basil, Borage, Onion, Parsley, Pepper
The Purple Haze Carrot (Daucus carota) is dark purple on the outside and bright orange on the inside. Fun when sliced into coins. Grows 6"-8" with tapered roots, good texture, and sweet flavor. Half-hardy to frost and light freezes. Good steamed, roasted, and fresh.
Good companion plants: Broccoli, Cauliflower, Chives, Lettuce, Onion, Parsley, Peas, Rosemary, Sage, Thyme, Tomato
Squash (Winter) - Banana, Pink JUMBO
The Pink Banana Winter Squash (Cucurbita maxima) is a jumbo cylindrical winter squash that can grow to more than 4' long, 1' in diameter, and 50 lbs!!! Flavor and texture is best when it’s about 30" and 30 lbs, or harvest as a summer squash when 6"-8" long, and a fingernail can pierce the skin. Prolific producer with a vining growth habit. Pinkish orange skin and yellow-orange flesh that is sweet, firm, dry, and not stringy. With a flavor similar to Acorn Squash, it can be used as a substitute. Great for baking, canning, roasting.
Good companion plants: Bean, Dill, Epazote, Marigold, Pea, Pepper, Sage, Thyme
Though considered a vegetable in cooking, botanically speaking, squash is a fruit (being the receptacle for the plant's seeds). Squash can be served fresh (in salads) and cooked (squash stuffed with meat, fried squash, baked squash).
Squash (Winter) - Queensland Blue
The Queensland Blue Winter Squash (Cucurbita maxima) is an Australian Blue pumpkin with beautiful blue-green skin, gray foliage, and bright orange flesh that’s fragrant, meaty, and sweet. Deeply ribbed, slightly flattened, and can weigh 8 lbs-20 lbs. Dependable producer with a vining growth habit. Keeps for up to 6 months under proper storage conditions. Great for baking, canning, and roasting.
Good companion plants: Bean, Dill, Epazote, Marigold, Pea, Pepper, Sage, Thyme
Though considered a vegetable in cooking, botanically speaking, squash is a fruit (being the receptacle for the plant's seeds). Squash can be served fresh (in salads) and cooked (squash stuffed with meat, fried squash, baked squash).
The Nodding Catchfly (Silene pendula) is a bushy, vigorous, low-growing annual. So named because small flies and gnats get stuck in the sticky seed pod. Produces clusters of charming pink blossoms with notched petals around a light pink center. Grows 6"-10" tall on a nodding stem with hairy, oval foliage. Beautiful cascading over a hanging basket or stone wall.
Globe Gilia (Queen Anne’s Thimble) Flowers
The Globe Gilia (Gilia capitata) is an easy-care drought-tolerant annual. Produces globe-shaped 1"-2" blue-hued flowers on thin stems with lacy foliage that grow 2' to 3' tall. Also called Queen Anne’s Thimble for its resemblance to a pincushion.
Blazing Star (Gayfeather) Flowers
The Blazing Star/Gayfeather flower (Liatris spicata) produces a long, spiky, fluffy flower that begins blooming at the top of the stem, working its way down until it looks like a wild bottlebrush. This hardy perennial is tolerant of heat, drought, frost, and cold. Stem grows 2'-3' tall, with the purple, pink, or white flower taking it as tall as 6'.
Coreopsis, Lanceleaf Tickseed Flowers
The Lanceleaf Coreopsis (Coreopsis lanceolata), also called Lanceleaf Tickseed, is a drought-tolerant perennial. Produces large 2"-3" blossoms with bright yellow notched petals around a golden yellow center. Grows 1'-2' tall on thin stems with narrow, lance-shaped foliage. Blooms continuously throughout the summer.
The Love-in-a-Mist flower (Nigella damascena) is a striking annual in the buttercup family. Produces 1"-2" blossoms in shades of blue, pink, purple, and white. Fluffy petals surround a horned center seed pod, and the entire flower is surrounded by a “mist” of fern-like foliage that continues along the thin stem that grows 1'-2' tall. An old-fashioned flower with modern appeal.
The Orange King Zinnia (Zinnia elegans) is a tender annual with a long 3-month blooming period. Produces huge 4"-5" double blossoms with small, oval mandarin-orange petals around a dark center. Grows 2'-3' tall on sturdy stems with lance-shaped foliage. Zingy as a long-lasting cut flower in a bouquet or vase.
The Polar Bear Zinnia (Zinnia elegans) is a tender annual with a long 3-month blooming period. Produces huge 4"-5" double blossoms with long, oval crisp white petals around a golden center. Grows 2'-3' tall on sturdy stems with lance-shaped foliage.Stunning as a long-lasting cut flower in a bouquet or vase.
The Scarlet Sage (Salvia coccinea), also called Blood Sage, Texas Sage, and Indian Fire, is a fast-growing, tender perennial in the mint family. Produces dense 10" spikes of small, tubular, bright red fragrant blossoms with long stamens. Grows 1'-3' tall on square stems with hairy, heart-shaped foliage. Can be grown as an annual in colder climates. A striking pop of color in any garden or vase.
The leaves of Scarlet Sage are edible, but the flowers are toxic to people and should not be ingested.
The Shasta Daisy (Leucanthemum x superbum) is a drought-tolerant perennial. Produces large 2" blossoms with long bright white petals around a golden yellow center. Grows 2'-4' tall on thin stems with narrow, serrated, dark green foliage. Long lasting in the garden and as a cut flower.
Daisy, African Flake (Cape Marigold) Flowers
The African Flake Daisy (Dimorphotheca sinuata), also called Cape Marigold, puts out 2"-3" daisy-like flowers in bright, happy colors of orange, white, and yellow around brown-rimmed centers on 8"-16" stems. Whether in the garden or a vase, this day flower closes up its petals at night, reopening the next day. Drought tolerant and blooms early.
The Golden Wax Bush Bean is a beautiful buttery treat in the garden. With its long, straight yellow pods, this heavy producing stringless bean is easy to cook or can. Grow these alongside Borlotti Bush Beans and Royal Burgundy Bush Beans for an artistic change from the usual green beans.
Good companion plants: Cucumber, Pea, Rosemary, Thyme, Tomato
The Snow White Carrot (Daucus carota) is a creamy white carrot with a crispy crunch and mild, sweet flavor. Grows 7" long with a tapered root. Harvest sooner for small carrots. Half-hardy to frost and light freezes. Good steamed, roasted, and fresh.
Good companion plants: Broccoli, Cauliflower, Chives, Lettuce, Onion, Parsley, Peas, Rosemary, Sage, Thyme, Tomato
Green leaf with red veins have a slightly tangy lemon flavor which adds zest to salads and is especially good with fish. The leaves grow up to 8" long and can also be cooked like spinach or even used in soups. Sure to be your new favorite.
55 days to maturity
Slightly tangy lemon flavor which adds zest to salads and is especially good with fish. The leaves grow up to 8" long and can also be cooked like spinach or even used in soups. Sure to be your new favorite.
55 days to maturity
Carrot - St. Valery/James Scarlet, 12" Long
Carrot gets its characteristic and bright orange colour from β-carotene, which is metabolised into vitamin A in humans when bile salts are present in the intestines. Carrots are also rich in dietary fibre, antioxidants, and minerals.
This hard neck packs a punch! Strong, hot and full flavored, Svea is perfect for baking and is a favorite with chefs. Fat, purple streaked, easy to peel cloves per bulb. Thrives in colder climates, good storage.
Garlic can be planted in the spring as soon as the ground can be worked, but fall planting is recommended. Bulbs will grow bigger and more flavorful when you plant them in the fall. Plant 6 to 8 weeks before your first hard frost. In southern areas, February or March can be a better time to plant.
Key Planting Info:
Click here for a more detailed Garlic Grow Guide ->
Garlic - (Hard Neck) German, Red
This large bright purple bulb contains 8-12, extra easy-to-peel, round, light brown cloves with some purple at the base. Flavor is strong, hot, and spicy. Keeps moderately well when properly cured and stored. Can be grown in mild climates; However, develops better quality and size where winters are cold. Color will become brighter if it is stressed by too much water.
Garlic can be planted in the spring as soon as the ground can be worked, but fall planting is recommended. Bulbs will grow bigger and more flavorful when you plant them in the fall. Plant 6 to 8 weeks before your first hard frost. In southern areas, February or March can be a better time to plant.
Key Planting Info:
Click here for a more detailed Garlic Grow Guide ->
Garlic - (Hard Neck) Spanish Roja
Gourmet garlic famous for flavor! Light purple streaks on 7-13 easy-to-peel cloves. Suited to colder climates. May not yield well where winters are too mild. Very popular with market gardeners and restaurants. Brought to the Northwest before 1900; often called “Greek Blue”.
Garlic can be planted in the spring as soon as the ground can be worked, but fall planting is recommended. Bulbs will grow bigger and more flavorful when you plant them in the fall.
Key Planting Info:
Click here for a more detailed Garlic Grow Guide ->
Garlic - (Hard Neck) Porcelain Musik
Garlic can be planted in the spring as soon as the ground can be worked, but fall planting is recommended. Bulbs will grow bigger and more flavorful when you plant them in the fall. Plant 6 to 8 weeks before your first hard frost. In southern areas, February or March can be a better time to plant.
Key Planting Info:
Click here for a more detailed Garlic Grow Guide ->
Garlic - (Hard Neck) Russian Red
• Hard neck
• Rocambole
Garlic can be planted in the spring as soon as the ground can be worked, but fall planting is recommended. Bulbs will grow bigger and more flavorful when you plant them in the fall. Plant 6 to 8 weeks before your first hard frost. In southern areas, February or March can be a better time to plant.
Key Planting Info:
Click here for a more detailed Garlic Grow Guide ->
Tomato - Sub Arctic Plenty (Early) (Determinate)
The Sub Arctic Plenty (Early) Tomato is trying to tell you something: It produces a lot of fruits very quickly (45 days!), and really likes cooler temps. It would also like you to know that you can quickly (45 days!) grow the plants closer together without a stake or cage, or in a container or hanging basket. One more thing: It doesn’t sacrifice flavor or texture by ripening so many fruits so quickly (45 days!). You’ll harvest clusters of robust, red, juicy, tart, smallish medium-sized fruits in no time (45 days!). Plenty of them.
Click here to view our full Tomato grow guide
Good companion plants: Basil, Borage, Onion, Parsley, Pepper
Melon (Cantaloupe) - Heart of Gold
Watermelon - Georgia Rattlesnake
Rapeseed is also used as a cover crop in the US during the winter as it prevents soil erosion, produces large amounts of biomass, suppresses weeds and can improve soil tilth with its root system.
Rapeseed is the third-largest source of vegetable oil.
Rapeseed is the second-largest source of protein meal in the world.
Rapeseed oil is used as diesel fuel, either as biodiesel, straight in heated fuel systems, or blended with petroleum distillates for powering motor vehicles.
Rapeseed (Brassica napus subsp. napus), is a bright-yellow flowering member of the family Brassicaceae (mustard or cabbage family), cultivated mainly for its oil-rich seed, which naturally contains appreciable amounts of toxic erucic acid.
Rapeseed is the third-largest source of vegetable oil and second-largest source of protein meal in the world.
Source and Photo: Myrabella / Wikimedia Commons -
Onion - Walla Walla Sweet (Long Day)
Coneflower, Purple Echinacea Flowers
Echinacea, also called Purple Coneflower, is an easy care perennial in the daisy family. Blooms bunches of blossoms with lavender petals skirting a brown spiky cone center atop sturdy stems that can grow 2'-4' tall. The leaves, flowers, buds, stems, and roots have been used medicinally for centuries, both dried and fresh, as an herbal tea, tincture, and oil infusion. Plant a deep pot, a small plot, or an entire lot!
As a medicinal herb, Echinacea supports the immune system and has been used internally as a preventative against colds, flu, and chest congestion. It has also been used internally to treat anxiety, arthritis, asthma, colds, constipation, cough, depression, diphtheria, headache, inflammation, pain, rheumatism, sore throat, stomach cramps, strep throat, tonsillitis, tuberculosis, and whooping cough. Externally, Echinacea has been used to treat insect bites and stings, burns, dry or wrinkled skin, tired eyes, toothache, and wounds.
⚠️ Medicinal properties are presented as information only, and are not a recommendation or prescription for use. Consult a medical professional before using any herb medicinally.
Dill has a very long history of herbal use going back more than 2,000 years. The seeds are a common and very effective household remedy for a wide range of digestive problems. An infusion is especially efficacious in treating gripe in babies and flatulence in young children. The seed is aromatic, carminative, mildly diuretic, galactogogue, stimulant and stomachic.
Dill is also used in the form of an extracted essential oil. Used either in an infusion, or by eating the seed whole, the essential oil in the seed relieves intestinal spasms and griping, helping to settle colic. Chewing the seed improves bad breath. Dill is also a useful addition to cough, cold and flu remedies, it can be used with antispasmodics such as Viburnum opulus to relieve period pains. Dill will also help to increase the flow of milk in nursing mothers and will then be taken by the baby in the milk to help prevent colic.
Spotted Bee Balm, Wild Bergamot Flowers
Cauliflower - Violetta (Purple)
Garlic - (Hard Neck) Porcelain German
Grows a very large bulb containing easy to peel cloves. The white wrappers have delicate purple stripes. This one is #1 on taste. Stores up to six months. Does well in any climate.
Garlic can be planted in the spring as soon as the ground can be worked, but fall planting is recommended. Bulbs will grow bigger and more flavorful when you plant them in the fall. Plant 6 to 8 weeks before your first hard frost. In southern areas, February or March can be a better time to plant.
Key Planting Info:
Click here for a more detailed Garlic Grow Guide ->
Watermelon - Tendersweet (Orange-flesh)
Watermelon - Moon & Stars (Red-flesh)
Pepper (Sweet) - Cherry, Large Red
The Large Red Cherry Pepper has been a staple in American gardens since the mid-1800s. Tall plants set fruit continuously throughout the season, ripening from vivid green to maraschino red. With smooth, thick skin and sweet flavor, this adorable 1"-2" mini pepper is the perfect size and texture for pickling, canning, skewering, or stuffing with a cube of mozzarella to roast or grill.
Good companion plants: Basil, Carrot, Cucumber, Eggplant, Okra, Rosemary, Sage, Squash, Tomato
All Peppers ⟐ Sweet Peppers | 📚 Sweet Peppers Grow Guide |
The Aguadulce Fava Bean is a cold hardy broadbean that can also take a bit of heat. This 4' bush-type plant produces charming white and black flowers that turn into huge green pods with huge, creamy, nutty, protein-rich beans inside. Known as a dried bean, it’s also delicious when eaten fresh from the pod. With its edible leaves, high yields, and nitrogen-fixing properties, this is a gorgeous performer for fall and winter gardens in all grow zones.
Click here to view our full Bean grow guide
Good companion plants: Cabbage, Carrot, Lettuce, Parsley, Rosemary
Nasturtium - Tall Trailing Mix Flowers
This fast-growing, vine-like or "trailing" plant can easily reach 10 feet in length by the end of the growing season! Perfect for growing along fences, or above retaining walls. It boasts colorful flowers in many shades of yellow, orange and even occasionally red.
Nasturtium - Peach Melba Flowers
This variety produces cream-like, yellow petals with splashes of darker red in the center. Compact in size with deep blue/green foliage.
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